
No-Sugar Diet: All You Need To Know To Get Started

In modern dietetics the “no-sugar diet” is becoming more and more popular, the essence of which is the elimination of all simple carbohydrates and artificial sugar. If you follow these principles of dieting correctly, you can get good results both for your figure and your health! Let’s look at the advantages of this method and what are the dangers of sugar for health.

Low sugar diet to lose weight

The low-carbohydrate, sugar-free diet is based on the complete elimination of foods that contain refined sugar, such as: carbonated drinks, canned goods, sauces, pickles, store-bought sweets or alcohol. This diet also limits consumption of organic sugars found in dairy products (lactose), fruit (fructose), honey and other natural sweeteners, emphasizing a complete and balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber.

Numerous medical studies show that limiting sugar intake greatly reduces the risk of developing diseases such as:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • acne;
  • autoimmune diseases.

The elimination of foods that contain sugar from the diet can permanently restore emotional balance, improve mood, memory and sleep, increase endurance and improve physical performance, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails and health in general, get rid of cellulite and ensure safe weight loss.

Benefits and harms of the diet

A sugar-free diet is an effective solution for people who want to get rid of unwanted pounds, but eliminating this substance from food is actually an extremely difficult task.

You will say, “I don’t eat sugar.” But let’s learn to read the labels of the foods we buy. Sugar is found in almost all processed foods: ketchups, sauces, canned goods, yogurt, ice cream, store-bought sweets, fizzy drinks, and alcohol. If you see words that end in “-ose” on labels, such as fructose, maltose, dextrose, lactose, keep in mind that these are all sugar.

A sugar-free diet that includes eliminating all carbohydrates or greatly reducing their intake should not be used for long periods of time. The body needs fuel and energy reserves, of which carbohydrates are the main source. Consequently, it is much more common for nutritionists to recommend so-called “sugar detoxes,” limiting consumption of simple sugars only, without eliminating complex carbohydrates from the diet.

Since carbohydrates, today, are consumed in excess, every sugar restriction will be good for the body. You can use a sugar-free diet if there are no special contraindications, but it is important to eliminate this substance from the body slowly and in stages.

Unfortunately, sugar is a stimulant on which the body becomes dependent, so a sudden reduction in its consumption can cause symptoms such as:

  • constant feelings of hunger;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • constant fatigue.

However, if you limit simple sugars in stages, such a diet will help to reduce excess weight, prevent obesity, reduce the risk of heart disease, digestive problems and acidification of the body. A sugar-free diet also helps to avoid tooth decay and get rid of acne. On the other hand, if you completely eliminate carbs from your diet, you may feel a significant deterioration in your well-being.

Dietary Guidelines

What should you eat on a sugar-free diet to take advantage of the positive effects and at the same time provide your muscles and cells with the necessary fuel? First of all, you should gradually eliminate white refined sugar, which is the least useful. A good place to start is to stop sweetening your coffee or tea. Natural sweeteners such as stevia, honey or agave syrup can be a substitute for white sugar. However, you should remember that the idea of a low-carb diet is not to find an alternative to sugar, but to eliminate the sweet taste from your diet altogether.

Fresh fruit, though a rich source of simple sugars, should be present in the diet. They, unlike processed foods, are rich in dietary fiber, and are a source of essential vitamins, minerals and macronutrients.

During a sugar-free diet, follow a few simple rules:

  • Balance your menu: your diet should include sufficient amounts of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.
  • Carefully study the labels before buying food: many processed foods may contain hidden sugar.
  • Drink water throughout the day, drinking tea to lose weight – it will help speed up metabolic processes and activate your metabolism.
  • Use only natural sweeteners – honey, stevia, dried fruit, or better give them up for the time of the no-carb diet.

If you start following these rules, you’ll be able to get a better understanding of your diet and get great results. You can also get a lot of useful information at https://www.dietzones.com/.